Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Just PASS ME already!

I've been riding my bike quite a bit and I go on the least trafficked roads I possibly can. My pet peeve is when a car comes up behind me and won't pass me. Rather they slow down and inch along so that they remain about a foot behind me. They match my speed, which at this point is excruciatingly slow.

When a car is coming up behind me, I get over to the right as far as possible, and slow down to a crawl, and look at the driver so they know I see them. I basically stop on my bike, praying not to fall over at a speed of Zero mph. They won't pass as if they are waiting for me to do something. So I keep waiting there at a standstill and inch over even more up into the grass or curb...still they hover there. COME ON ALREADY JUST GO so I can get back to my ride. This happened 3 times today. After several minutes of them not going, finally I have to wave them by me. It's usually a real pissy WTF are you doing buddy? Go already!?

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