Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dental Worries

I took all 3 kids to the dentist this week. Once again I was scolded by the dentist for the state of Greg's mouth. He has some discolorations from when he was baby and his nutrition was compromised and when I asked about fixing that I was told not until his "home care" improves.

Talk about guilt. I let him brush his own teeth, but I need to supervise it more. The dentist told me I must get him to floss. Well he can't do it himself. He doesn't get it. So I tried to do it and I can't! He won't open his mouth. Now I am really worried about the future: gum disease, gum surgery, dentures. All of those wonderfully expensive and painful opportunities await out future if I don't get this under control NOW.

Last night I was able to put the floss through a few of his teeth, however I didn't want to go too hard and upset him, so I feel like my efforts were worthless. He won't use the SonicCare, he is afraid of it. Right now he has a battery powered Spiderman brush, which I guess is better than a plain toothbrush.

I have to force myself to deal with this now because the future is only going to be worse. On top of that he is starting to get to the point where he needs shaving and is petrified of the razor. I showed him an electric triple rotary razor- that won't hurt. He still says NO! He wants to keep his mustache, which I guess will be easier than shaving. But the sideburns look a little silly.

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